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If you’re interested in Catholicism, history, politics, philosophy, and the places where these worlds collide, you’ll find plenty to keep you occupied at Notes from the End of Time.
Why the name?
Notes from the End of Time is an allusion to one of my favorite pieces of music, Messiaen’s Quatuor por la fin de temps (Quartet for the End of Time). I believe (along with many others) that we are seeing a “great turning” in our culture. I am considerably less optimistic than those who await a Singularity, but more optimistic than those who expect an eternal future of Pods ‘n Bugs.
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I am trying to put out at least three articles a week. The more subscribers I have, the more motivated I am to keep my goals. I am by nature a lazy person, and readers like you encourage me to keep going.
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Fair warning: I’m more interested in good writing and well-constructed arguments than in ideological purity. If you see me recommending or quoting someone you disagree with, be reassured that I might disagree with them too.