Since we spent a great deal of our time with Malcom Kyeyune talking about John Michael Greer, we decided to have the Original DOOM-Meister on once again. Joining us for a second time, JMG offers his thoughts on our government’s (non) response to Hurricane Helene; the current conflicts in Israel and Ukraine; and what to expect as the world continues swirling around the bowl.
Eurabiamania 46: Be Quiet, the Wizards are Talking
With special guest: John Michael Greer
Oct 03, 2024

When East Meets West with Kenaz Filan and Ahnaf Ibn-Qais
History, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture while the barbarians gather outside the gates. The fires will be coming soon. Violins not provided.
History, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture while the barbarians gather outside the gates. The fires will be coming soon. Violins not provided. Listen on
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